Nose Pad Buyers Guide for Glasses, Designer Eyewear, & Sunglasses
D-Shape Nose Pads
D-Shape: D-shaped eyeglass nose pads resemble a capital letter "D" whereby the shape of the left nose pad is a mirror image of the right nosepad. As such, D-pads are classified as an asymmetrical, or asymmetric, nose pad as compared to symmetrical or symmetric nose pads such as round nose pads.
As D-shaped nose pads come in pairs or sets, a left nosepad is NOT interchangeable or compatible with a right nosepad.
D-Shaped nose pads often provide an excellent fit between the shape of the nose pad and the underlying nasal area, thus providing excellent weight distribution of the glasses frame.
D-shape nosepads are among the oldest and perhaps the most widely used nose pad style for all types of glasses and sunglasses.
Common available D-shaped nosepad sizes include: 9mm, 11mm, 13mm, 15mm, 17mm, and 19mm.
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