Nose Pad Buyers Guide for Glasses, Designer Eyewear, & Sunglasses
Nose Pad Screws
Nose Pad Screws: Replacement eyeglass nose pad screws come in a variety of lengths, diameters, and threading. When replacing eyewear nosepads it is best to use the existing original screws that came with the eyeglasses in order to assure compatibility.
Eyeglasses care for frames that use screw-in nose pads often requires replacement of worn out or damaged screw-in nose pads.
For screw-in ( screw-on ) nose pads, the nose pad mounting arms employed by a particular pair of glasses are generally only compatible with one specific type of screw.
If replacement spectacle nose pad screws are needed, nosepad vendors often offer a "sampler" package of common screws. Replacement nose pad screws are a common eyeglass repair part and are found in most glasses repair kits. Such kits often include a screwdriver with a small head and magnifying glass.
A recent development in eyeglass repair parts is the "snap-it screw"; also referred to as the "snap-off screw". This screw looks like an ordinary screw, except that a thin narrow post extends beyond the end of the screw. This screw design enables the narrow post to be easily inserted into small hole openings, whereupon the screw is then fully inserted and tightened with a screwdriver. Once tightened, a slight pressure by hand or needle nose optical pliers breaks the extension off. These unique screws are often referred to as self aligning eyeglasses screws and are normally obtained from eyeglass optical parts suppliers and manufacturers.
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